FTW Staff Picks - 6 nimmt!

6 nimmt! is a very unassuming card game that I once stumbled upon while playing through the games on Board Game Arena. It's got a simple premise that builds into a tense game that involves a bit of guesswork tied to a good amount of luck. Players familiar with The Game will immediately feel at home with the cards and layout. 6 nimmt! is essentially a competitive version of The Game.


In 6 nimmt! players looks to finish the game collecting the least Bull Heads from cards over the course of several rounds. Each round players are dealt an evenly distributed hands of cards. The round begins with 5 cards as the start of each row. Each turn all players will select a card to play. All cards are revealed simultaneously. The cards are placed in the row with the closest, lower number. When a row reaches its 6th card, instead of adding to the row, the entire row is picked up by the player who played the 6th card. The 6th card is used to begin a new row. After 10 rounds, the player who collected the least amount of Bull Heads is declared the winner.

It may seem like the game is entirely based on luck, but as the rounds go on there as a level of inference you can reach based off of previous rounds. Minimizing risk and picking up advantageous rows are the two biggest factors in winning 6 nimmt! 

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6 nimmt! is in the realm of fast-paced card games that are really great for beginners. It's got a little bit of No Thanks! and Pit! It's a difficult game to suggest to people because of how basic the actual game sounds when described. But it's one of the few that I would highly recommend that people try before they pass judgment.